The CDC recommends keeping at least six feet between you and other people to avoid catching COVID-19.
There are lots of ways to keep yourself safe during the coronavirus outbreak: Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, follow good respiratory hygiene, etc. Social distancing is also really important, but if you need to go out, try to the CDC recommended six feet away from other people. That can be hard to visualize, so here are objects that are six feet long to help you while you’re out and about.
1. The average height of a refrigerator
2. The length of a twin or full-size mattress
3. A Christmas tree
4. Half of a Beetle Volkswagen
5. Six bowling pins stacked on top of each other.
6. Two yardsticks glued together tip to tip
7. Two mailboxes stacked on top of each other
8. The average height of a White Rhino
9. A yoga mat
11. A bullwhip
12. A little more than the length of an average couch
13. A ladder
14. A coatrack
15. A standard area rug
16. A standard table cloth
17. A dog leash
18. A MacBook Air charger
19. A Guitar cord
20. Your highschool locker
21. A very young tree
22. The length of a cow or buffalo
What do you use to measure how far away from someone you are? We’d love to hear from you.
Feature photo by Shutterstock.