We love living in the Nation’s Capital and so do these puppers!
Here are some of the cutest, most wholesome doggies you’ll find roaming around and posing with DC’s many monuments! Enjoy!
1. There’s the giant floofer that sat next to giant Albert Einstein
Had some relatively impawtant physics problems to discuss, I’m sure.
2. And these two pups in a basket.
3. This little lady who is ready for business
Absolutely fabulous!
4. And a smiling doggo by the Tidal Basin
…with luscious golden locks.
5. This pupper looks seriously presidential.
6. There’s also this smiling pup and his friend who got blinded by the sun.
7. And these two cuties, who are ready to take on the cold
Just. Adorable.
8. This Holiday Chunky Boy
Christmas may be over but this good boy definitely deserves a shout-out!
9. Have you ever seen someone with such great hair? Absolutely not.
Look at those locks! And those bangs!
10. This fella nailed who the downward dog at the Tidal Basin
Impawssibly cute!!
11. These two cuties are definitely enjoying the sun
Look at that bejeweled collar!!
12. …and so are these two
So fluffy!!
13. This lovely lady seems to be enjoying her Sunday stroll around the Washington Monument
14. And last but by no means least, is this pupper whose whiskers got caught in the wind
15. Bonus doggo rolling in the grass
’cause… why not?
Feature Image: @cavapoo_cooper / Instagram